The history begins with the invention of the computer creation business tools, such as Abacus which is now conducted by computers. In the old days calculation is done by using fingers, beads, wood and shells. With the invention of the Abacus 5000 years ago has been facilitating business in the basic calculation plus, minus and darab.Ia has been widely used by businessmen China, Turkey and Greece.
Blaise Pascal was a French scientist and mathematician who was born in the year 1623. In 1642, he has invented a calculating machine mechanical first principles of tithing.
George Boole was an English mathematician in the year 1815-1864. He developed the concept of algebra logical True / False. He also introduced the basic mathematical symbols and to the use of the design of logic circuits in computers.
Charles Babbage was born in 1792, was a mathematician and inventor. He built "The Difference Engine" that can solve computation of mathematical tables. Then he was thinking of the other machine creation of "Analytical Engine" which is expected to perform a variety of calculations. Unfortunately, the machine could not be built during his lifetime. "Analytical Engine" has the specs at the present time have input devices, secondary storage, processor, control unit and output devices.
Some Augusta Byron helped Charles Babbage in the building instructions for the machine calculation "Analytical Engine" . He was the first computer programming using the "Analytical Engine".Programming language ' ADA ' taken after her. He has also published a note that encourages scientists to execute what Charles Babbage did not have time to do.
Herman Hollerith developed a device that can process Auto calculation census. The machine must be able to complete the count within two years of the census. In 1880, the U.S. population census results are known. The difference between machine Hollerith and Babbage is Hollerith machines used electricity while Babbage machine uses mechanical power.
Howard Aiken has introduced electromechanical machines called MARK I . Thus, the MARK I then began the modern era of computers. The machine is to solve basic computation and problem trigonometric functions. Characteristics MARK I , has a height of 8 feet and a length of 55 feet. It is built of steel and glass, producing a loud sound during processing dilalakukan, contains more than 750,000 parts are bonded together using a wire along the 500 miles. Some of the systems are at different levels. So you have to get on a ladder to install the machine switches. Meanwhile, Dr. John Mauchly and his student J. Presper Eckert requested by U.S. military officials to build a machine that can calculate bullets quickly. They were referring to the work of Dr. John Atanasoff and his assistant Clifford Berry .Atanasoff and Berry succeeded in building the first digital computer electronics in the title using the ABC (Atanasoff-Berry Computer). while Mauchly and Eckert had used ABC as the basis for developing other computer the ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator). ENIAC was the first computer designed for general purpose then appear UNIVAC I computer the first commercially traded.
Max Newman & Tony Flower |
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